Expressing Politeness: The Art of Compliments and Apologies in Italian
In any culture, sharing compliments and issuing apologies are essential for nurturing social connections. This holds true in Italy, where the language itself sings with a certain politeness. Here’s a guide to mastering compliments and apologies in Italian to warm the hearts of your conversational partners.
Complimenting in Italian
Italian compliments are as delightful as a scoop of gelato on a sunny day. Whether complimenting someone’s attire or their sumptuous homemade lasagna, here’s how you do it right:
- Bellissimo/Bellissima (Beautiful):
- Usage: Complimenting appearance, scenery or a piece of art.
- Example: „Questo quadro è bellissimo!“ (This painting is beautiful!)
- Bravo/Brava (Good):
- Usage: Praising skill or effort.
- Example: „Sei brava a cucinare!“ (You are good at cooking!)
- Molto bene (Very good):
- Usage: Appreciating an act, performance or idea.
- Example: „Hai fatto un lavoro molto bene!“ (You did a very good job!)
Apologizing in Italian
Apologies in Italian are as heartfelt as the rich tones of a classic opera. Here’s how to express regret in Italian:
- Mi dispiace (I am sorry):
- Usage: Expressing sorrow or regret.
- Example: „Mi dispiace per il ritardo.“ (I am sorry for the delay.)
- Scusa/Scusami (Excuse me):
- Usage: Seeking forgiveness for a minor inconvenience or getting someone’s attention.
- Example: „Scusa, posso chiederti qualcosa?“ (Excuse me, can I ask you something?)
- Chiedo scusa (I apologize):
- Usage: Formal apology.
- Example: „Chiedo scusa per l’inconveniente.“ (I apologize for the inconvenience.)
With these phrases in your language toolkit, you are well on your way to navigating social interactions in Italian with grace. Remember, when in Italy, a little politeness goes a long way!
Italian Word | IPA Pronunciation | English Translation |
Bellissimo | belˈlissimo | Very beautiful |
Bellissima | belˈlissima | Very beautiful (feminine) |
Bravo | ˈbravo | Good |
Brava | ˈbrava | Good (feminine) |
Molto bene | ˈmolto ˈbene | Very good |
Ottimo | ˈɔttimo | Excellent |
Fantastico | fantastiˈko | Fantastic |
Splendido | splenˈdido | Splendid |
Meraviglioso | meraviʎˈʎozo | Wonderful |
Eccellente | ɛtʃʃelˈlɛnte | Excellent |
Mi dispiace | mi disˈpjatʃe | I am sorry |
Scusa | ˈskusa | Excuse me |
Scusami | skuˈzami | Excuse me (informal) |
Chiedo scusa | ˈkjɛːdo ˈskusa | I apologize |
Perdonami | perdoˈnami | Forgive me |
Mi scuso | mi ˈskuzo | I apologize |
Spiacente | spjaˈʧɛnte | Sorry |
Dispiaciuto | disˈpjatʃuto | Regretful |
Pardon | ˈpardon | Pardon |
Sono spiacente | ˈsono spjaˈʧɛnte | I am sorry |
Complimenti | kompliˈmenti | Compliments |
Magnifico | maɲˈɲifiko | Magnificent |
Stupendo | stuˈpendo | Amazing |
Grazie | ˈɡratːsje | Thank you |
Prego | ˈprɛːgo | You’re welcome |
Per favore | per faˈvore | Please |
Grazioso | ɡraˈtsjozo | Graceful |
Luminoso | luminˈozo | Bright, luminous |
Squisito | skwiˈzito | Exquisite |
Gentile | dʒenˈtile | Kind, polite |
Train the words with these short dialogs
- Appreciating Beauty and Skills
- A: „Questo giardino è bellissimo!“ (This garden is very beautiful!)
- B: „Sì, è veramente bellissimo. E guarda quella fontana, è splendid!“ (Yes, it’s really beautiful. And look at that fountain, it’s splendid!)
- Praising Performance
- A: „La tua performance era fantastica, molto bene!“ (Your performance was fantastic, very good!)
- B: „Grazie mille! Ho lavorato molto per prepararmi.“ (Thank you so much! I worked a lot to prepare.)
- Apologizing for Lateness
- A: „Mi dispiace per il ritardo.“ (I am sorry for the delay.)
- B: „Non c’è problema. Capisco.“ (No problem. I understand.)
- Excusing Oneself
- A: „Scusa, posso passare?“ (Excuse me, may I get by?)
- B: „Certo, prego!“ (Sure, you’re welcome!)
- Formal Apology
- A: „Chiedo scusa per l’inconveniente.“ (I apologize for the inconvenience.)
- B: „Grazie per la tua comprensione.“ (Thank you for your understanding.)
- Complimenting on Attire
- A: „Il tuo vestito è meraviglioso!“ (Your dress is wonderful!)
- B: „Grazie! È un nuovo acquisto.“ (Thank you! It’s a new purchase.)
- Requesting Forgiveness
- A: „Perdonami per la mia assenza ieri.“ (Forgive me for my absence yesterday.)
- B: „Va bene, spero che tutto sia a posto ora.“ (It’s alright, I hope everything is okay now.)
- Polite Request
- A: „Per favore, potresti passarmi il sale?“ (Please, could you pass me the salt?)
- B: „Certo, eccolo.“ (Sure, here it is.)
- Admiring Talent
- A: „Sei bravo a suonare il pianoforte!“ (You are good at playing the piano!)
- B: „Grazie! Pratico ogni giorno.“ (Thank you! I practice every day.)
- Expressing Regret
- A: „Sono spiacente per la confusione.“ (I am sorry for the confusion.)
- B: „Non ti preoccupare, può succedere a chiunque.“ (Don’t worry, it can happen to anyone.)
Italian Story:Il Giardino Segreto (The Secret Garden)

Maria abita in una casa grande. Un giorno, trova una porta nel suo giardino. Apre la porta e trova un altro giardino, molto bellissimo.
Nel giardino, c’è un uomo, Luca. Luca è gentile e ama il giardino. Lui dice, „Benvenuta nel mio giardino!“ Maria è molto felice.
Maria vede fiori bellissimi e alberi grandi. Tutto è molto bello e luminoso. Maria dice, „Questo giardino è fantastico!“
Luca fa un tè per Maria. Il tè è molto buono. Maria dice, „Questo tè è molto bene, grazie!“ Luca è felice.
Poi, è ora di andare a casa. Maria dice, „Mi dispiace, devo andare. Grazie per il tè e il bel giardino.“ Luca dice, „Prego, torna quando vuoi!“
Maria torna a casa, ma vuole tornare al giardino segreto di nuovo. È un giorno molto bello per Maria.
English Translation:
Maria lives in a big house. One day, she finds a door in her garden. She opens the door and finds another garden, very beautiful.
In the garden, there is a man, Luca. Luca is kind and loves the garden. He says, „Welcome to my garden!“ Maria is very happy.
Maria sees beautiful flowers and big trees. Everything is very beautiful and bright. Maria says, „This garden is fantastic!“
Luca makes tea for Maria. The tea is very good. Maria says, „This tea is very good, thank you!“ Luca is happy.
Then, it’s time to go home. Maria says, „I am sorry, I have to go. Thank you for the tea and the beautiful garden.“ Luca says, „You’re welcome, come back whenever you want!“
Maria goes back home, but she wants to return to the secret garden again. It’s a very beautiful day for Maria.